News > Search > "Player": 3 results
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Maison3Amis May 9, 2016 • 10:36 AM • 3,066 days ago
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Maison3Amis May 9, 2016 • 10:36 AM • 3,066 days ago

In case you missed it, Anna Weatherley was featured in the Power Player segment of the Chris Wallace Fox News program on Sunday morning, May 8th, and below is the link so you can enjoy the short segment yourself. Anna was her usual delightful self and I am sure you will find it very entertaining and informative.
Jason Solarek picture
May 9, 2016 • 07:51 PM
Jason at Bridge:
Just waiting for Anderson Cooper to come knocking...

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Vista Alegre Feb. 19, 2014 • 4:38 PM • 3,876 days ago
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Vista Alegre Feb. 19, 2014 • 4:38 PM • 3,876 days ago

Elle Decor featured some pieces from the Vista Alegre Triadic collection in the March 2014 issue.

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Beatriz Ball Feb. 12, 2014 • 4:06 PM • 3,883 days ago
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Beatriz Ball Feb. 12, 2014 • 4:06 PM • 3,883 days ago

Below is a short video (1 minute 48 sec) on the ancient art of sandcasting that is used to produce each beautiful Beatriz Ball piece! 

 This is a great video to share with your staff to help them understand the process and establish the value of each handfinished piece when talking with your customers. Also, if you have a video player in your store that you can position near your Beatriz Ball display, this would be great to show during events

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