News > Search > "video": 7 results
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Christophe @ Gien America April 30, 2019 • 2:15 PM • 1,969 days ago
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Christophe @ Gien America April 30, 2019 • 2:15 PM • 1,969 days ago

It's first a sweet and warm breath, then the dynamic, fertile, happy wandering.
Click Here for Video
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Orrefors - Kosta Boda Mar. 2, 2018 • 12:24 PM • 2,393 days ago
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Orrefors - Kosta Boda Mar. 2, 2018 • 12:24 PM • 2,393 days ago

Swedish Tonic Mixes Fläderbubbel-GT in Orrefors City Highball. Have a nice Friday!

Click Here for Video
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VIETRI May 24, 2015 • 10:20 PM • 3,406 days ago
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VIETRI May 24, 2015 • 10:20 PM • 3,406 days ago

Behind the scenes with Susan Gravely at the VIETRI video shoot! Stay tuned for more sneak peeks!

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Pickard April 29, 2015 • 5:37 PM • 3,431 days ago
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Pickard April 29, 2015 • 5:37 PM • 3,431 days ago

The New York Times covers the Obama's new state china created by Pickard

Inspiration From Hawaii in the Obamas’ White House China

APRIL 27, 2015
WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama may be the first first lady whose nail polish matched her White House china service.

Mrs. Obama did not appear publicly on Monday when the White House previewed the new state china she has chosen, which will be used on Tuesday at a state dinner honoring Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ...Read more of post

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Vista Alegre April 8, 2014 • 4:56 AM • 3,817 days ago
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Vista Alegre April 8, 2014 • 4:56 AM • 3,817 days ago

Vista Alegre Gift catalog

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Beatriz Ball Feb. 12, 2014 • 4:06 PM • 3,872 days ago
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Beatriz Ball Feb. 12, 2014 • 4:06 PM • 3,872 days ago

Below is a short video (1 minute 48 sec) on the ancient art of sandcasting that is used to produce each beautiful Beatriz Ball piece! 

 This is a great video to share with your staff to help them understand the process and establish the value of each handfinished piece when talking with your customers. Also, if you have a video player in your store that you can position near your Beatriz Ball display, this would be great to show during events

...Read more of post

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Vista Alegre Nov. 7, 2013 • 1:21 PM • 3,969 days ago
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Vista Alegre Nov. 7, 2013 • 1:21 PM • 3,969 days ago

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