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Beatriz Ball Feb. 12, 2014 • 4:06 PM • 3,873 days ago
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Beatriz Ball Feb. 12, 2014 • 4:06 PM • 3,873 days ago

Below is a short video (1 minute 48 sec) on the ancient art of sandcasting that is used to produce each beautiful Beatriz Ball piece! 

 This is a great video to share with your staff to help them understand the process and establish the value of each handfinished piece when talking with your customers. Also, if you have a video player in your store that you can position near your Beatriz Ball display, this would be great to show during events or open houses so your customers can also see the care and detail that goes into the Beatriz Ball collection.

Here is the link on Vimeo:

3Short factory movie from Beatriz Ball Collection on Vimeo.