News > Search > "white house": 4 results
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Mottahedeh @ Mottahedeh Jan. 10, 2024 • 2:08 PM • 253 days ago
Don't hide your good dishes in the closet, use them! Our dishes are made from high fired hard porcelain, they are quite durable and dishwasher safe. Shown here is Golden Butterfly, the original of this distinguished dinner service was made in China for the East India Company during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor (1736-1795). Glowing against a starry sky of cobalt blue are golden butterflies signifying happiness. It became the personal dinner service of President ...Read more of post

Ava Reinhold picture
Ava Reinhold @ Annieglass May 9, 2023 • 2:59 PM • 499 days ago
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What an honor to be featured in the Sunday edition of The Mercury News. 

"It has been 40 years since Morhauser launched Annieglass in a tiny studio in downtown Santa Cruz... By the mid-1990s, then-first lady Hillary Clinton invited Morhauser to attend a White House celebration of American artists, and Morhauser had moved her company to her current 17,000-square-foot studio, allowing it to grow to the 22 employees it has now. The studio operates 30 kilns and ...Read more of post

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Orrefors - Kosta Boda Mar. 6, 2016 • 12:00 AM • 3,119 days ago
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Orrefors - Kosta Boda Mar. 6, 2016 • 12:00 AM • 3,119 days ago

Orrefors in The White House. New season of House of Cards with the president Francis Underwood (Kevin Spacey) drinking whisky in Orrefors Street.
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Pickard April 29, 2015 • 5:37 PM • 3,431 days ago
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Pickard April 29, 2015 • 5:37 PM • 3,431 days ago

The New York Times covers the Obama's new state china created by Pickard

Inspiration From Hawaii in the Obamas’ White House China

APRIL 27, 2015
WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama may be the first first lady whose nail polish matched her White House china service.

Mrs. Obama did not appear publicly on Monday when the White House previewed the new state china she has chosen, which will be used on Tuesday at a state dinner honoring Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ...Read more of post

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